一个多样化的 & 包容的社会

你属于国外博彩app! Fostering true inclusion in and out of the classroom is core to our mission and strategic priorities and rooted in our Jesuit, 天主教徒的身份. When every person is welcome and celebrated, our whole community wins—and our world is transformed.



Our Jesuit values celebrate the richness and uniqueness of each individual. The power of inclusive excellence is realized through our Jesuit approach to educating the whole person and empowering leaders for a just and humane world​.

在战略领导下 多样性和包容性办公室 并与校长和教务长合作, we offer impactful learning opportunities and events designed with all members of our campus community in mind. 工作人员, students and faculty are continuously invited to engage, learn and grow together.

多样性, 股本, inclusion and accessibility efforts throughout 国外博彩app are presented, 和支持, 通过一个独特的健全的制度结构. Numerous inclusion-oriented professionals and units operate under the umbrella of the 多样性和包容性办公室, which collaborates with partners across campus to support students, 教职员工在你们独特的旅程中.

Located near downtown Seattle in the dynamic Capitol Hill neighborhood, our campus isn’t the only place you’ll feel welcomed and empowered. You’ll enjoy all the benefits of living in a progressive, international and racially diverse city.


Intellectually rich and rigorous education are at the heart of our drive toward inclusion. 出于这个原因, 国外博彩app prioritizes community-engaged learning experiences and academic partnerships and the inclusion of a wide range of scholarly voices throughout our curriculum.

通过公正的视角来探索想法, cultivating a learning environment with a commitment to diverse scholarship and connecting coursework to real projects with Seattle community partners, we create learning opportunities that invite your unique perspective and prepare you to work and solve problems in a global, 21世纪的环境.



红色讲座讲座系列 & 社区面板 

红色的会谈 is a quarterly campus event featuring intersectional voices on a range of topics under the umbrella of inclusive excellence at 国外博彩app. Sponsored and led by the 多样性和包容性办公室, 与教务长办公室合作, the series aims to elevate faculty voices at SU across disciplines, as well as the voices of prominent thought leaders in the broader community. 除了红色会谈, the 多样性和包容性办公室 holds panel discussions throughout the year on key issues with community leaders.



种族平等峰会 电梯 SU initiative—is a university-wide event focused on antiracist education at 国外博彩app. Created by Vice President of 多样性 and Inclusion 娜塔莎马丁, JD, and presented by the 多样性和包容性办公室, the summit offers a platform for collective experience to reflect and deepen understanding of systemic racism, 以及提升, 连接和激活周围 电梯 SU and other expansive commitments to diversity, 股本 and inclusion.  



我们的校园欢迎学生, staff and faculty of every sexual and gender orientation—and we’re committed to working for equality and justice for all. Explore local and national resources for advocating for trans students.  



残疾人服务 (DS) partners with the 国外博彩app community to recognize disability as a valued aspect of diversity and to embrace access as a significant component of social justice. DS办公室促进课程的平等准入, programs and activities through campus leadership on disability access and inclusion issues. 


校园气候国外博彩app报告 & 响应协议 

Our 校园气候国外博彩app报告 and 响应协议 is part of our efforts to empower a positive learning and working community. 由多元化和包容性办公室领导, 通过这个协议, we want to cultivate an institution where we both support those who have experienced harm and grow understanding and enable productive engagement across difference. 




Each year's Summer Inclusive Excellence Reading List is carefully and thoughtfully curated by the 多样性和包容性办公室, with the intention of engaging everyone across a broad range of experiences and perspectives. These lists are a starting point, not an end destination. 

Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 庆祝活动

马丁·路德·金. 一天庆祝

Every January, 国外博彩app celebrates the life and legacy of the late Rev. Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 由多元化和包容性办公室组织, 这一天的国外博彩app反映了他所传授的教训, the dreams he shared and how we as a community can continue to respond to his call to act in great love.



马赛克中心 creates Meaningful Opportunity for Student Access, 国外博彩app的包容与社区. The center plays a critical role in supporting intercultural learning and development of students. 


The 多样性和包容性办公室’s mission is to foster an institutional culture where there is no dichotomy between our values of diversity and inclusion, 以及我们的教育质量和卓越的目标. ODI advances the institution’s mission of training leaders for a just and humane world by working collaboratively to build the university’s sustainable capacity to fully integrate diversity, 股本 and inclusion into the strategic priorities of the institution.



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